Seller's Inspection - Prelisting Inspection

Be First With Information About Your Property

You and your agent can be informed about safety issues and repairs before potential buyers and their agents. These issues can then be resolved ahead of time, allowing you to get several estimates and knowing all of your costs before you negotiate price and other terms with a buyer. By handling problems up front, you also help your home to show better – putting your best foot forward. In this competitive market that is truly important.

Our Prelisting Inspection allows you the unique opportunity to see your home through the eyes of an unbiased third party. Through our inspection, you will see your home the way a qualified home buyer will see it, allowing you and your realtor to address your asking price realistically. If your roof and furnace are older and will need to be replaced in the near future, this is something your potential buyers and their realtors will likely notice. If you are asking the same price or more than comparable properties without these deficiencies, your home may not sell as quickly and eventually become stale on the market.

Provide An Additional Selling Feature

Your Prelisting Inspection can be used by both you and your realtor as a marketing tool, helping your home sell faster and for top dollar. After your inspection is complete, you and your realtor will be able to review your inspection online. In addition, you can display our Move-in Ready yard signs to promote peace of mind and to attract potential buyers.

Buyers often will get buyer’s remorse after a home inspection that they have initiated, especially if they get an over-zealous inspector. Our inspections focus on safety, operation and condition. If another inspector starts comparing your home to current building code standards, even if your home is functioning fine and perfectly “legal”, this could create doubt in your potential buyer’s mind. You can avoid this with a seller inspection upfront.

Avoid future stress and aggravation

Traditionally, a buyer will make an offer to purchase your home, price and terms are negotiated and agreed upon, and then a home inspection is performed by the buyer’s choice of inspector. If their inspector identifies anything that alarms the buyer, you may find yourself in last minute renegotiations. If you’ve already made an offer on another property or have committed yourself in another way, this type of 11th hour situation can really be stressful and can even destroy your deal. Avoid all of this stress and the potential loss of a good buyer by handling this upfront.

Often a buyer will waive their right to have their own inspector if a qualified third party has already inspected the premises.

A Prelisting Inspection report provides full-disclosure protection beyond just a seller’s disclosure. This gives you additional protection from future legal claims.
Schedule An Inspection ...and stay in control of your home sale!

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