Why Choose

A home inspection is highly recommended prior to purchasing your new home. In fact, it should be included as a contingency in your purchase offer.
CNY Preferred Home Inspections is fully insured and here to serve you. We want to provide you with the information you need to make informed, intelligent decisions concerning the purchase of your new home. Buying a new home is an exciting time, but can also be very stressful. There are numerous details and deadlines to consider, and being concerned about the condition of your prospective home is where we specialize in bringing you peace of mind. Scheduling an inspection is as simple as making a phone call or clicking the button below.
We deliver to you a complete, comprehensive written report with pictures, descriptions and informative narratives that detail the property’s condition. The report is typically delivered within 24 hours via online viewing. We take your confidence in us very seriously and will work hard to earn your complete satisfaction. Thank you for choosing CNY Preferred Home Inspections.
Standards of Practice For NYS Home Inspectors
See Sample Report
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